School Information

Chamberlain front


Doors Open 7:00AM

Tardy Bell 7:30AM

Dismissal 2:00PM


  • Chamberlain Elementary School’s Mission Statement

       Successful students

  • Chamberlain Elementary School’s Vision Statement

We envision that our school will provide a creative, positive and safe learning environment where we cultivate students so they will be able to thrive as humans, achieve, and be college or career ready. We will set high standards for achievement and behavior of students as well as teachers.  Students, parents, staff, and the community will work as a partnership to foster learning. 

  • Chamberlain Elementary School Goals

Goal 1: To increase the percentage of students scoring at or above in reading, mathematics, and language arts, as mentioned in our strategic plan.

Goal 2: To create a challenging, supportive educational environment that results in high levels of achievement for all students and eliminates the achievement gap.

Goal 3: To create a physically, socially, and emotionally safe environment which encompasses all children and fosters time-on-task.


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